Wednesday, November 2, 2011

China's One Child Policy Chapter 19

China has a law that most countries do not have.  This law is known as the one child policy.  This law was established in 1979 by the leader at the time, Deng Xiaoping, to limit the population growth.  This penalty limits couples to only having one child.  The families who do decide to have another child are subject to heavy fines and possible forced abortion for second pregnancies.  Many couples have even been forced to be sterilized. 
This law has become a major problem.  Families who have girls sometimes end up killing their babies or abandoning them because the people of China believe that the men should stay home and take care of their family and the women have to move out and take care of their husband’s family.  There are not enough women in the country for the men to marry.  This policy has been the reason for about four hundred million abortions since 1979.  And also because of this policy, there is a surplus of around forty million men in China.
It is laws like this that make me thankful to be an American citizen.  Though, I don’t plan on having any kids, I always have the option to have as many as I would like.  I think it is unfair to the families trying to have kids and also to the kids themselves.  I grew up an only child and I know at times that it can be very lonely and boring.  Every family deserves the right to have siblings for their kids.  While I can understand why the PRC has implemented this law, I feel as though it should be up to the individuals to make their own decisions, not the government’s choice.

By Patrick DeVries


  1. I do agree with your opinion. People should have the right to have as many siblings in their family as they want. I understand that the growth population was a major issue in China but there is always a way of handling things. Back then in China the cities were over populated and so it was causing major economic issues, China is an immense country, instead of making that ridiculous law why didn’t the Chinese government just industrialize other parts of China. There are huge areas to the west of China that aren’t even populated. Some people put the climate and the land as an excuse, but if Arabs can build cities in the desert and Icelanders can live in the freezing temperatures than I believe people can live in that vacant area of China where the weather and terrain aren’t that harsh. I think the one child law was a horrible decree that was the direct cause of the suffering and death of millions of children all over China.

    -Alexsandra Romero (Group 2)

  2. I also agree and believe that a person is entitled to as many children as they want. China does have a population issue that got out of control but, I believe that they could've implemented a better plan. The problem with China is that they are going to do what ever that want, regardless of how unfortunate it is for the people. This is affecting both men and women negatively. They only way for them to change the one child policy is if they change their old ways. I think that you did a great job on your blog, very informative.

    Colin Hickey (Group 2)
