Friday, November 4, 2011

Blood Diamonds

What are blood diamonds? They are diamonds that come from war-torn parts of Africa and are mined under circumstances that violate basic human rights.  the Some people say diamonds are the symbol of love when they really don't know its the symbol of someones life.
I’ve heard of blood diamonds before and I don’t agree with people wearing blood diamonds or buying them and selling them at jewelry stores.  If consumers in America really knew what really happens behind the scenes, for those diamonds to get there they probably wouldn’t wear them anymore or would decide to wear a different kind of diamond that didn’t come from Sierra Leone.
             The really bad part about it is that the RUF rebels or war lords wanted to start to take control of the key diamond areas. So they started taking women and using them as sex slaves, one girl in a documentary was used as a sex slave and when they invaded a village, the girl had to take the woman’s baby while she watched her die. They take the boys and force them into militias, and give them ak’s to use for war. Or some of them would be used to find diamonds in the water.
They would work them so hard, so that they wouldn’t have enough energy to run away back home. I also think that its wrong that they brain wash the children to make them kill their own families, making them think that their parents are the enemy and that they should be killed.  The mutilation that happens to the children too, like if they steal a diamond or do something wrong they  would cut off their hands with a machete, or just kill them on the spot just over some diamonds.
Even though it’s still going on today, and there are people who pressure and prefer people to ask where the diamonds came from, and do they consume blood diamonds. I think that we should take a bigger step and try to stop this from still on so that children in Sierra Leon and other places don’t have to suffer through that anymore.

By Cierra Smith Chp 21


  1. Even though we choose to do the same chapter for our blogs, I find it very interesting that we have chosen totally different subjects. In chapter 21, the author talks about both Africa and Latin America. As I read your blog, I see that you have decided to discuss something very negative going on in Africa nowadays comparing to mine where I choose to talk about something fun (The Lambada Dance)in Latin America.
    I agree with you opinion on this subject one hundred percent subject and I’m glad you decided to talk about it. Just like you, I have heard of blood diamonds before and totally agree that people around the world shouldn’t buy them or wear them, but sadly, not a lot of those consumers have heard of how and who finds the diamonds. I believe that if more people were educated on the history of this product and what people had to go through to find it, they wouldn’t buy them anymore. Over all, I think your blog was really interesting and very educational.

    By Nevena Ronell (group 2)

  2. This is very sad to see that people are still being treated this way. People need to start taking action and stop buying blood diamonds. They also need to realize how many lives are being affected, when they buy these diamonds. I agree that stores shouldn't be allowed to sell these diamonds either. The biggest problem is that other countries need to stop buying these diamonds also. I think that you did a great job on your blog. It touched on the very important and major points that need to addressed.

    By Colin Hickey (group 4)
